…on self-love.

I’m currently reading Nick Vujicic’s LIMITLESS: Devotions for a Ridiculously Good Life as a daily devotional.

This book is loaded with mind-blowing words of inspiration and motivation drawn from his books Limitless and Unstoppable.

Since I’ve been talking much about self-love this month, I’d love to share an excerpt from the devotional.

The type of self-love and self-acceptance I advocate is not about loving yourself in a self-absorbed, conceited way. The self-love I encourage is self-less. You give more than you take. You offer more without being asked. You share when you don’t have much. You find happiness by making others smile. You love yourself because you are not all about yourself. You are happy with who you are because you make others happy to be around you…

Love yourself as God loves you – for what is on the inside. Let the inner love and self-acceptance spill to the outside. You will radiate good feelings that others can actually perceive!

I hope these words speak to you as much as they did to me.



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