It is impossible for a sane person to stand still in the middle of a highway because he/ she will definitely get knocked down.

It’s the same thing with life. If you decide to sit still without making any progress, even though you are on the right track, you will surely be run over- no matter who you are!

It doesn’t matter how you move, just ensure that you are making progress and every step you take is one step closer to your goal(s).

If you are not flying, run. If you are not running, walk. If you are not walking, then crawl. You can even choose to hop, leap or creep, none of these are bad choices. Just make sure that you are moving.

In addition, these practical steps might help:

* Stop the ‘I will’, ‘I could have’, ‘I would have’, ‘I should have’ ‘I don’t have’ excuses and DO! DO!! DO!!! Action speaks louder than words.

* Be intentional about your progress. Write down your goals and the steps you intend to take daily, weekly or monthly to achieve them. It is better you write them down in a journal that you can go back to to crosscheck your progress.

* Be practical. Read books, attend trainings, associate with people who have tread the path you are toeing and seek advice and mentoring from them.
Don’t sit down and watch things happen, get up and make things happen!

Make a move!

Thank you so much hey girl for finding my blog and nominating me to participate in this challenge. It has truly been a wonderful ‘three days’ for me.

If you would like to participate in this challenge, then go ahead! I would really love to read yours.

The rules:

1. Thank the person who nominated you.

2. Post a quote for three consecutive days (one post per day).

3. Nominate three people each day.


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